The Yoga


During your stay, there will be two yoga classes a day which are held in Iesolana’s candle lit yoga studio. These sessions include meditation, pranayama and asana practice.

All classes are led by yoga instructor Alexa Harris. Alexa has been running Yogahikes retreats for several years and also teaches in London at Triyoga and the Life Centre. She offers a unique yoga fusion. This incorporates both a dynamic flowing ‘vinyasa’ style of moving on the breath combined with long held poses.

Her teaching is inspired and informed by the flow of Astanga yoga, the held precision of lyengar yoga and the inner softness and grace of Scaravelli yoga.

Alexa’s aim is to give all her students the confidence, knowledge and inner awareness to develop their own practice.

It is recommended that you have attended a minimum of five beginner yoga classes.  For more information, e-mail